Sunday, 27 May 2012

a good day

I've had a good day. The laundry basket has only one item in it; made a very tasty loaf of sour dough bread in the steamer; and finally got around to doing this: Scanned Image  0121

Something I'm finding interesting about blogging this art journal project is that scanning and displaying the images makes me see the work differently. In the last scan, I didn't like how the dotted horizontal line just stopped, and so as you can see above I continued it across the other page. Not a big thing, but it makes me like it more.

I've still not made a habit of working on the journal, but I read a bit of the site mentioned in the annakatta blog. It was a bit too happy-clappy for me, but evidently one of the tricks to forming habits is to attach them to habits you already have. Surprisingly, I do have an almost daily habit of doing 30 mins of WiiFit (no, I really don't know how I have kept that up), and so the new plan is to get the art journal out after that. It worked this evening.

Also, I finished un-picking one of the pillow cases this weekend, and the next one is in my bag, ready for tomorrow's commute.

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