Late last week I had good intentions to get things done on the weekend. So what follows is a bit of an analysis of why that didn't quite happen. It has nothing to do with the snow.
My not getting things done started Friday night. Last month, I checked out Tokyo Babylon 1 from the Stockport library, and really enjoyed it. Neither Stockport or Manchester libraries had Tokyo Babylon 2, but the library on Platt Lane had a copy of number 4. Platt Lane isn't too far out of my way when I go to the Embroiderers' Guild meetings, so I had planned to stop off at the library before Saturday's meeting. I considered reserving the book, but just didn't get around to it. But when I checked to get the reference number on Friday night, the book had been reserved by SOMEONE ELSE! Probably the same someone who had reserved all the other issues of Tokyo Babylon the Manchester library has. I'm such a fool.
So on Saturday, rather than leaping out of bed to get to the library, I grumped under the duvet until P cajoled me out of bed by reminding me that I would enjoy the guild meeting. He was absolutely right. I missed the morning activity, but sat around chatting with other members and found out loads about how to transfer photocopies onto fabric using acrylic house paint. It looks really nice, in a soft, "distressed" way, and I am glad that I got the chance to see how to do it, but, though I was really enthused by it on Saturday, I just don't have the energy to try it right now. So it has become yet another item on my "do later" list.
While at the guild meeting, I decided to be less passive and go to the Deansgate library and get the second part of Tokyo Babylon on an inter library loan. I had a bit of sticker shock when the librarian told me it costs £3 for aninter library loan these days. Not that £3 is that much, but used copies of the book are listed at under £1. Now, my "do later" list has buying the full set of Tokyo Babylon, maybe I'll get both the English and Japanese.
We went out on Saturday night, not to laugh at cars struggling in the snow, but to see the Chinese New Year Extravaganza at the Plaza. My favourite bit was the roller skating act. But going to the show took up most of the evening, so once again, I didn't get stuff done.
Sunday morning, we did put some new furniture together, which definitely counts as getting stuff done, then we finally went out for a meal to celebrate my birthday. However, my afternoon activity was taking a two hour nap on the sofa bed, and I didn't wake up refreshed and full of energy. I did read more of the adorable Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec, which was nice, but didn't tick anything off my to-do list.
I suppose all of this is to explain why I'm still working on the same pages in the art journal. It's nearly there, just a few more words to add: 
I have also discovered that it is possible to trace a picture on the bus, not while it is moving, but a few lines at every stop.