I've sort of fallen off the internet for a while. The main reason is that I was trying to be too fancy with writing up a good blog post, so I didn't do anything at all. Remember a previous post's complaint about the problems with a stamp I made? Well, though that use didn't work out, I still think it is an interesting way of making a mark, and I wanted to give a better impression of the technique. So I decided to do a proper tutorial post, letting people know how to do it and what the finished result ought to look like. But that would mean writing proper instructions and taking proper photos (maybe when my nails weren't stained green from dying yarn), and using the stamps to decorate something, proper like.
That just didn't happen, possibly because I was properly intimidated. However, because I wanted to write the tutorial, I didn't write any other posts. And because I wanted to use the stamp, I sort of stopped doing other stuff in the art journal. This morning, I decided to just skip the tutorial and get on with doing stuff again. The tutorial may happen someday, but for now I'll just show the art journal pages with a better use of the fabric-plus-plastic-confetti stamp, making the red hearts in the upper corners:
I'm sort of tired of these pages, but they don't feel full enough, so I'm going to spend a bit more time on them. And hopefully just get back into the habit of doing stuff in the art journal just because it's fun.
On the bus, I have finished taking apart the cushion covers and started reading Ways of Seeing.