Thursday 4 September 2008

missing my stop

A "good thing/bad thing" about crafting on the bus is that I'm often so into what I am doing, that I miss my bus stop on the way home. It's not a big deal, because the next stop is where route ends, at Piccadilly Gardens, and it's a nicer walk back to the flat when I get off there.

Yesterday, an additional bonus of missing my stop was that it provided the perfect reminder to go see the Caravan Gallery. I knew it was at Piccadilly Gardens because I saw it on Flickr. So since I was nearly there already, I braved the rain and had I really nice visit.

They had been at the excellent Garden of Earthly Delights a couple of years ago, and their take on documenting real life in Britain is just so cool. The artists, Jan Williams and Chris Teasdale, basically present what they see, and they do see all sorts.

The Caravan Gallery had been invited to a festival in Castlefield this weekend, but they couldn't make that, so instead have been at Piccadilly Gardens this week. This is a different sort of setting and different clientele for them. The artists mentioned that quite a few down and outs had stopped in. This surprised me, as I don't see as many in Piccadilly as used to be there. But we thought maybe it had to do with everyone else (shoppers and workers) being in too much of a hurry to view the gallery.

While I was there, another punter just popped his head in to say pictures of "urban decay" wouldn't be popular with the locals, but I suspect that he is in the minority with that opinion. (He is entitled to it- I doubt the artists are trying to please everyone!) Another guy had seen the gallery earlier and was bringing his son to see it, too.

And as for the crafting, that tangle is still huge! But I'm working at it.

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