Monday 1 September 2008

BusCraft beginings

How exciting! My first blog post:

I take the bus to and from work, most every weekday. My commute is scheduled at 30 minutes each way. That adds up to a lot of time. Time to do what?

Watching the world go by is great, but I'm trying to use the time a bit more productively. I'd like to work more on several different hobbies, and while I can't see myself painting with watercolours on my way to work, there's plenty of other activities that would work well.

The BusCraft blog will hopefully help me keep track of what I'm up to, and let me make notes on how it is going. And help me plan what I'd like to do next.

My current project is to untangle the mass of crochet thread in the picture. Last week, hook and notes in hand, I was ready to try out the flower pattern from the Gipsy Quilt blog. But I pulled on the wrong thread, and instantly my yarn was a tangle rather than a skein. So, a few more days untangling and rewinding, then I'll pull out the crochet hook again. That's the (revised) plan.

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