I like how these pages are looking, but I'm still not enthusiastic about working on them: 
I do like the sea squirt, and the cloud border makes me happy, but it just doesn't feel right. Hopefully, a bit more time will give me some ideas for it.
I am feeling all enthused about art at the moment, because my P and I went to the Dark Matters show at the Whitworth Gallery. I feel more than a bit silly, because when I first saw the poster a few months ago, I didn't find it appealing. But P saw some twitter reviews just this week saying it was a must see, so on this last weekend of the show we went along, mostly for something to just get us out of the flat for a change of scenery. Anyway, we both (yes, P as well) really enjoyed it. I loved the reflection and shadow butterflies in Barnaby Hosking's Thought, and I liked being inside his Black Flood, too, like being underwater. We both liked playing with Daniel Rozin's Snow Mirror and Peg Mirror, and so did the other visitors. The Peg Mirror video on the sight doesn't seem to have any audio, but the sculpture makes a lovely clicking noise when the cylinders rotate, and it should really have some children giggling on the audio track as well.
Still Life No 1 by Brass Art was absolutely delightful. I'd seen a track light over rubbish sculpture before, years ago, while visiting a friend who was studying in Switzerland, that made city skylines appear in the shadows on the wall. It was cool. But this work was immersive, as the light circled the table, the audience's shadows were projected as well as the shadows of the objects. And it put the Kid with the Butterfly Net song in my head, which brought up nice memories for me. (Old memories now, the song was released in 1991; not sure I should thank Google for telling me that.)