Sunday, 13 November 2011

Not adding up to 50,000

It's day 13 of the Nanowrimo, and I've got 17,652 words in my document. Their handy graph says I should be at 21,666 by now, but considering that I was 5,000 words behind at the start of the weekend, and now I'm only 4,000 behind, I'm not feeling bad about it. Their widget says I need to write 1,798 words to finish on the 30th, and that my average words per day is 1,357. It would be hard to finish on time, but not impossible.

The real problem is that I've already written 7 of the 12 scenes I have down in my notes. If I'm doing the maths right to calculate average words per scene, then I'll finish the story after writing only around 25,000 words. What do I do for the other half of the novel? Do I move on to write a sequel, or go back and add extra stuff? Actually, I'm not going to worry about that, and just concentrate on keeping at the writing until it's done.